Monday, 22 January 2018

Fergie, mother of the bride

And like that, she's back in the room. Let's face it, Fergie never really went away. But within moments of her younger daughter, Eugenie, announcing her engagement, La Ferg was in full throttle and reminding everyone why she made us laugh and cringe all at the same time. So often. The comments that followed the news of Royal Wedding Number 2 were almost as joyous as the big announcement itself and herald the start of a new age of Fergie. Bet the Queen can't wait.

Yep, if there's one thing to wipe the smile off the face of monarch who has just seen a beloved grandchild announce their engagement to widespread happiness that has upped the standing of their dynasty, it's the prospect of a steady stream of Fergie-isms between now and the wedding this autumn. And quite possibly beyond, this is Fergie we're talking about. Her first tweet once the news was common knowledge set the bar. Look at the picture above. Here we go everyone.

Plenty of people talk about getting a son when their daughter marries but a brother? Mmmm. That's before we get to the ''total harmony'' and embraces of ''pure joy''. Well, it's a happy day. Within moments, SarahTheDuchess (as she's known on Twitter) had them floating with ''laughter and love''. Stay tuned, it gets even better.

The mother of the bride (that outfit is worth waiting til the autumn for all by itself) ended her congratulations with a tweet in which she shared one of her favourite sayings. Apparently, this falls from Fergie's lips on a regular basis despite no one else ever having heard of it. Water, it seems, flows well to its destiny thanks to the solid rock guiding it. You have about ten minutes to work out what that actually means before the next set of bon mots is due from Sarah, Duchess of York. But if the prospect of a second Windsor wedding this year wasn't enough to get you grinning then the fact that we have about nine months of such glories from Eugenie's mum should put a smile on your face that would brighten any January day. It's time to settle down - here comes a whole year of Fergie.