Friday, 26 July 2013

A busy year for Queen Mathilde

After the hectic days of the abdication and accession at the weekend, it's no surprise that the new queen of the Belgians has taken her children on holiday.

King Philippe and Queen Mathilde posed for photographers at the beginning of a break on l'Ile d'Yeu off western France where they and the new royal family are taking a summer break.  The princes ran around the rocks, the girls ran along the sand and the whole family clustered together for a group shot at the end.

Blue is the colour - for the second time this week a high profile royal family choose blue for an appearance...the Cambridges on Tuesday and on Thursday, the new king and queen of the Belgians

But while the sun might be shining on their holidays now, in just a few weeks the work of being queen hits home for Mathilde.  The new monarchs will tour their country in September and October to introduce themselves all over again to their fellow Belgians, now they are King and Queen.  Their neighbours in the Netherlands did much the same thing followed up by a quick cuppa with most of the royal houses of Europe in a high powered, tiara sparkling round of tea and buns.

Duiven, 30 mei 2013: Koning Willem-Alexander en Koningin Máxima bezoeken de provincie Gelderland

King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima in Gelderland as part of their introductory tour as monarchs of the Netherlands

We don't yet know whether Philippe and his queen, Mathilde, will take their travels outside of Belgium as they introduce themselves as king and consort but there's no doubt that at the start of the traditional school year, both of them are getting back to class to learn the ropes as monarchs of their nation.